Wednesday, February 6, 2013

VAIN by Fisher Amelie

I have been looking for a book that has touched me as much as The Sea of TranquilityVAIN was just what I was looking for.  I spent Super Bowl Sunday, not in front of the TV with chip and salsa, (okay I had some chips and salsa)  but in front of an amazing and powerful story.  

It's rare that I am able to read a book in one day.  It usually takes at least two to three days to finish a book.  I devoured this book and now that I am finished, I am sad that it's over.  Once again, I am dealing with a massive book hangover!  

There was more than one moment where I needed to take a break because I was sobbing.  At times when it was touching and times when it was absolutely heartbreaking.  At one point (and this was close to the end ) I almost put the book away fearing I would be heartbroken even further and not be able to handle it.   I am glad I stuck it out and finished it, but now I fear nothing I read next will compare.  

Not only did it have a beautiful love story that developed so perfectly, it shed some light on problems and struggles from other less fortunate parts of the world.  

Brief synopsis: 

Sophie Price is a beautiful spoiled rich girl who only cares about herself.  She gets anything and everything  her heart desires, except for what she really wants, the love and attention from her parents.  Without parental guidance and support, she becomes a wild child and finds herself in some legal trouble.  After her second arrest in a short period of time,  the judge decides on an unconventional sentence where she is sent to Uganda, Africa to work in an orphanage for six months.   Little did she know how much this "punishment" would change her, her life and her heart. 

I won't go into any more detail of the story.  It's best to read it without too much knowledge.   Just let the eloquent writing and the beautiful characters take you on this amazing journey.

My Rating
5 Stars


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